
Chhath Parva is one of the major festivals of Madhesh or Terai. This festival is dedicated to god Sun. Chhat parba is thanks giving to god Sun for sustaining life on earth and providing continuous blessings to mankind. This festival is celebrated for 4 days. Worshipers are mostly women. However, a large number of men also observe this festival as Chhath is not a gender-specific festival. This festival has great significance, especially for the married women who observe two day long fast and make offerings keeping almost three-quarters of their body immersed in water for couple of hours. This festival is considered to be the most Eco-friendly Hindu festival by the environmentalists.
Thanks giving to god Sun for sustaining life on earth and providing continuous blessings to mankind

Day 1
On the first day of the Puja, the devotees take bath in the holy river and cook meal for themselves. The meal is prepared in mud or bronze utensils and mango wood over a mud stove. The devotees observing the fast have only one meal on this day.

Day 2
On this day, the devotees fast for the entire day, which they conclude after sunset. Devotees break the fast with the meal which they have cooked themselves, the meal include rice pudding(Kheer) and chapattis, which is also called prasad. After this meal the devotees will fast for 36 hours without even a drop of water. drop of water.

Day 3
On the third day, prasad is prepared. In the evening, devotees go to rivers and ponds singing folk and devotional songs, where they make offerings to the setting Sun. The rivers and ponds are well decorated for celebration with flowers, lights and tents.

Day 4
On the last day, the devotees make offerings to the rising sun in the ponds or river banks. The festival ends with the breaking of their 36 hours long fast. Devotees pray for the well-being of their family, and for the prosperity of their offspring.

It is believed that god fulfills wishes of the devotees. And it is also observed that most of the devotees have had their wishes fulfilled.

Apart from religious significance, there are also lot of scientific facts to the rituals. The devotees pray at the riverbank during sunrise or sunset, the solar energy has the lowest level of Ultraviolet radiations during sunrise or sunset and it is beneficial for the body. This traditional festival helps in detoxifying the mind, soul and the body. It helps to remove all the negative energies in the body by the powerful sun.